How We Fixed a ‘Broken’ Heart
Laura came to see me because she was having issues with her heart. She was experiencing an irregular heartbeat/heart rate. She could definitely feel when her heart was not keeping normal rhythm and it concerned her. She had been given a holter monitor by her doctor to record the irregular behaviour and was told her upper and lower chambers were not functioning correctly. Between this visit and her scheduled echocardiogram, she decided to try Bioenergetics.
We muscle tested the frequency of several different substances that I thought would cause this imbalance and these symptoms including stress hormones, B vitamins, thyroid hormones as well as minerals that are necessary for heart functioning like potassium, calcium, sodium and magnesium. We checked amino acids, the building blocks of protein which build healthy tissue as well as a nervous system and neurotransmitters kit. In addition to balancing the substances that her body did not recognize how to use properly, we stimulated specific energy meridians with healthy heart cell frequencies.
Laura noticed a drastic decrease in her racing heart symptoms after her second appointment. And here was the outcome after her third and final appointment:
"I have recently been experiencing some health issues. I had recently undergone a holter monitor. The results were scary and showed the upper and lower chamber not functioning correctly. Prior to an echocardiogram and stress tests I attended three Bioenergetics appointments. I don't pretend to understand how this process works but indeed it has worked. The proof as they say is in the pudding or, in my case, the echocardiogram and stress tests. I received my results and no sign of any issues. The prior symptoms are not there and the doctor was pleased with my results!! I already knew that would be the case as I had not been feeling the problems with the heart since my treatments. I would highly recommend trying this important tool for your own health."
Laura A, Aylmer ON